Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic in the African Continent

ABSTRACT- The present work aims to give a contribution to the understanding of the highly infectious pandemic caused by the COVID-19 in the African continent. The study focuses on the modelling and the forecasting of COVID-19 spread in the most affected African continent, namely: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and South Africa and for the sake of comparison two of the most affected European country are also considered, namely: France and Italy. To this end, an epidemiological SEIQRDP model is presented, which is an adaptation of the classic SIR model widely used in mathematical epidemiology. In order to better coincide with the preventive measures taken by the governments to deal with the spread of COVID-19, this model considers the quarantine. For the identification of the model’s parameters, official data of the pandemic up to August 1st, 2020 are considered. The results show that the number of infections due to the use of quarantine is expected to be very low provided the isolation is effective. However, it is increasing in some countries with the early lifting of containment. Finally, the information provided by the SEIQRDP model could help to establish a realistic assessment of the short-term pandemic situation. Moreover, this will help maintain the most appropriate and necessary public health measures after the lockdown lifting.

N Aries, O Houdayfa (2020) Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic in the African Continent, medRxiv, DOI:


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